Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A witch by any other name

I would say, the whole maternal side of the family had a little witch in them, but they never would have admitted it was so. I remember my grandmother would work with herbs and holistic healing, but credited it to being a "farm-girl" but the more I look into it, the more I see that is not the whole story.

So, I bought a few (well, a lot of) books and began reading up on Wicca and witchcraft. Then something clicked. I was like coming home. I am drawn to the Celtic because of our heritage, and it is going to take me years until I feel totally confident, but as they say: "getting there is half the fun!".

It's been 9 years now, and though still a novice, it feels right. I like talking to the trees, the birds and the small critters, and they seem to allow me my idiosyncrasies, and we live in harmony, for the most part.

I am working on my Book of Shadows, calling down the moon, etc., but ....I have a long way to go. I guess that knowing that you don't know is something.

At work Saturday, someone was telling me about a friend who, though only practicing 3 years, opened a portal...CAN YOU SAY DUMB!


  1. Yay, you! Welcome to your witchy self!!!

  2. Yeah, I think you're right on this point. It's simply our heritage, family denials or no.

    At least, I *think* you guys are where I got it! LoL

    Luv ya!
